Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Get Moving!

Mardi Obray, owner of The Peak, says get moving with them!

Short bursts of exercise - as little as 15 minutes - can dramatically improve your child's health and reduce your child's risk of Type 2 diabetes. Thirty minutes a day or more of exercise is needed to reduce adults'. There are some easy and fun ways to accomplish both of these goals - make fitness a family activity! Here are a few suggestions to help your family get active again:

1. Don't Make it Hard
Spending 15-30 minutes per week will benefit your family is so many ways. Children need to learn to love fitness and how to enjoy leading an active lifestyle. What better way than to do it as a family! Don't make it hard or complicated with charts, goals, or focusing on losing weight. Focus on the fun and the rest will fall into place. By keeping things simple, you will ensure your family's success.

2. Make it a Competition
Pit parents against kids for a fun rivalry or compete against your own personal best score. Avoid having siblings in direct competition with each other. You want to ensure that every child feels successful.

3. Revive Old Favorites
Today's youth are unfamiliar with the oldies but goodies. Here are just a few: Red Rover, 4 Square, Kick Ball, TV Tag, Mother May I, Freeze Tag, jump rope or get the neighbors together for a evening of "Night Games".

4. Get Involved in a Family Fitness Event
Check out what is happening in your community. There are always great events such as Relay for Life, Fun Runs, and much more that not only promote fitness but also raise money for local charities. Example- The Peak will be hosting a family triathlon on July 18th that is specifically targeting fitness success for kids of all ages. Check out their website for more information.

5. Celebrate Your Family
Not only will you be teaching good fitness habits during Family Fun Night but you will also be building stronger relationships. Your child may not remember every activity that you did but they will remember the time spent together!


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